I would recommend using the following databases (when asked to log in, you do so with your LOLA# for the username and your birth date formatted mmddyy for the password.
You might also consider checking some of our general databases:
When searching the databases, try to use simple search terms like animal acupuncture or veterinary acupuncture. You want to keep your search terms simple and short. You may have to try different combinations of words. For example, if you don't find anything under veterinary acupuncture, try searching acupuncture in veterinary medicine. I don't know if it will be helpful to you, but I came across the phrase traditional Chinese veterinary medicine a couple of times while searching. Be sure to check your articles for a bibliography. It's a quick and easy way to find more sources, and you know they're reliable because the author used them.
I did a quick Google search (which is also an option for you... just make sure that your sources are scholarly and respectable and not some John Doe with a blog and a lot of time on his hands, that sort of thing) and found a few associations whose websites might be useful:
I hope this is helpful. If you run into any problems, feel free to e-mail us again or give us a call at (504) 671-5328 during business hours.
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Text A Librarian: (504) 322-3655