Q. One of our student groups is planning on showing a recent rented DVD and a purchased DVD for Black History Month. When I found out, I asked
One of our student groups is planning on showing a recent rented DVD and a purchased DVD for Black History Month. When I found out, I asked around to see if we had a license to show it, and the consensus is that they were unaware that we needed one. How do I get a copyright release for this activity?
The U.S. Copyright Law states that is not infringement for instructors or students to use videos in the classroom, even those that are labeled "for home use only" as long as they are using legally obtained videos and the use is for face-to-face instruction in a nonprofit educational institution.
In order to obtain public performance rights, you must contact the vendor, a clearinghouse, or the owner/creator of the work.
Please see our Copyright Website for forms that may aid you in your search. http://dcc.libguides.com/dcc_copyright
Butler, Rebecca P. Copyright for Teachers & Librarians in the 21st Century. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2011. Print.