Answered By: Delgado Libraries
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2015     Views: 23

The best way to find out which texts a course is using is with the syllabus for that course. Ask the instructor for a syllabus, or for information about what resources you need. That information may be available through Canvas as well.

Alternatively, you can use the Bookstore's website to search for textbooks by course. The only catch is you really ought to confirm which materials you need with your instructor or syllabus.

The bookstore website is here

Click the link for textbooks, and use the dropdowns to find your course.

In general, the library does not collect textbooks. It is possible your instructor has placed some of your course materials on Reserve in the library. You can search the Reserves collection on the library website

If your course materials are not on Reserve in the library, you should certainly feel free to ask your instructor to put them on Reserve. And you should certainly always search in the library catalog for books or other information that you are looking for.


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