Answered By: Courtney Stortz
Last Updated: Jul 30, 2014     Views: 9

In-classroom performance of a copyrighted video is permissible under the following conditions summarized from Section 110:

  1. The performance is by instructors (including guest lecturers) or by pupils.
  2. The class is part of the regular curriculum.
  3. The performance is in connection with face-to-face teaching activities.
  4. The entire audience is involved in the teaching activity.
  5. The entire audience is in the same room or same general area.
  6. The teaching activities are conducted by a non-profit educational institution.
  7. The performance takes place in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction, such as a school library, gym, auditorium or workshop.
  8. The video is lawfully made; the person responsible had no reason to believe that the video was unlawfully made.

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