Delgado Libraries subscribe to many on-line databases which provide access to digital copies of journals. These databases allow students to easily search journals and then print, save, or e-mail the articles found.
The decision of which electronic database to use is based on what type of research you are doing. Delgado's list of available databases can be searched by title, subject or vendor.
If you want to search multiple journals by subject to find articles on your research topic the database Academic Search Complete is very helpful with over 10,000 full text journals and periodicals. You can find it in our list of on-line databases:
You could also try looking at the list of databases by subject to see if there is one that is a good match for your research topic.
If you are using one of the computers on a Delgado campus, you will not need to log in, but from any other location you will need to log in with your user name and password. The username would be your LOLA # and your passoword would be your birthday formatted mmddyy.