Delgado Libraries have a limited collection of DVDs that are available for checkout as well as films that can watched on the computer through our databases such as Films on Demand.
You can access this by clicking on the databases page link below and searching for Films on Demand under the list of titles.
Not having a student ID will create a problem. You will not be able to check out any items or use Delgado databases from any where other than the City Park campus. If you are a Delgado student I recommend that you visit the ID office in room 112 of building 11 which is attached to the Student Services Building.
If you are not a student, you are allowed to come into the library and use our computers as a guest.
If you are off campus, you will be asked to log in with a username and password. The username would be your LOLA# and the password would be your birthdate formatted mmddyy. This would be only for students.