Q. Is it possible to access eResouces from a home computer? I tried to get some newspaper articles from Lexis Nexis and when I click the hyperlink, nothing happens.
nothing happens. No access is available. Thank You for your help
Yes it is possible to access Delgado's eRources from any where off campus that you have internet access. I am sorry that LexisNexis would not work for you and I am not sure what the problem was.
Delgado Library has many on-line databases, such as LexisNexis.
You can access them by clicking on the databases page link below and searching for LexisNexis under the list of titles.
If you are using one of the computers ion a Delgado campus, you will not need to log in, but from any other location you will need to log in with your user name and password, this would be your LOLA # and your birthday formatted as mmddyy.