The Delgado Online Library Catalog, called ISSAC, will allow you to search for hardbound and electronic books that the Delgado libraries own.
I see several books on the general topic of rebuilding after Katrina, such as:
Architecture in Times of Need : Make it Right - Rebuilding New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward
What is a City? : Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina
In Delgado Libraries Databases you may be able to find more specific information on the benefits of replanting trees and plants.
Use the link below to access the database list:
I used the database Academic Search Complete and put in Katrina AND Trees as my search terms and pulled up some interesting looking articles.
I also found some helpful results in our GREENR database.
If you are off campus and click on one of our databases, it will ask you for a username and password. The username would be your LOLA# and the password would be your birthdate formatted mmddyy.
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