Q. Are there any articles that are business related that are on-line that students could write summaries on? It could be on subjects such as : Interviewing, Management, Selling, even stress related issues.
Delgado Library has many on-line databases that can help you search for information on these topics.
You can access these by clicking on the databases page link below. If you are not on campus, your your LOLA# for the username and your birthdate formatted mmddyy for the password.
I have done some searches for your topics. If your students are familiar with the databases, they can use Academic Search Complete to find articles on Interviewing, Management, and Selling. Students may also use Business Source Premier and Hospitality & Tourism Index.
For stress related issue, any of the above can be searched in addition to the medical/social databases such as CINAHL, Pre-CINAHL,Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MEDLINE, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, PsycInfo, SIRS Knowledge Source.