Answered By: Delgado Libraries
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2015     Views: 9

I think that sexual harassment among high school students would be an interesting topic and one you should be able to find plenty of information on. You should check out your topic with your instructor as well.

The 3-5 page length assigned refers to the report itself and does not include the title page and bibliography.

Journal articles would probably make good sources for your paper. To search for journal articles, you will need to search our library databases.  Please click on the link to the database page below.  You can search for databases by Subject, Title, or Vendor.  A list of databases will appear. I'd probably recommend Academic Search Complete, Opposing Viewpoints, and Issues & Controversies. 

If your are not on-campus, you will be asked for a username and password. Your username would be your LOLA# and your password would be your birthdate formatted mmddyy. 

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