Yes, we do have several books on world poverty. Please use the tutorial below to learn how to access library resources through the online catalog. Click on the link below and look for Search ISAAC: The Online Catalog.
Use the Keyword search and enter "world poverty" into the search box.
I found World Poverty by Sylvia Whitman (2008) as an EBSCO ebook, which is also available as a physical book at the City Park Campus library.
I found World Poverty by Nancy G. Dziedzic (2006) as an ebook through the Gale Virtual Reference Library.
The Encyclopedia of World Poverty is a physical reference set available for in-library use only in the reference room at CIty Park.
The online resources may ask you to log-in. Your username and password would be the same username and password you use for LOLA.
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Text A Librarian: (504) 322-3655