Your choice of a topic for a research paper needs to be based on which class you are writing it for. Often an instructor will suggest topics for the students to research. It your instructor is allowing you to choose any topic then you need to consider what topics interest you. Maybe you have read a magazine or newspaper article recently on a topic that interested you and that could be a start for your research.
Delgado Library has databases that offer tips on the process of researching and writing a paper as well as having lists of topics you can browse to see what interests you. For example, the database Issues & Controversies has a tab called Curriculum Tools and it includes things such as "Need a Research Topic?" and "Writing a Research Paper."
You can access this by clicking on the databases page link below and searching for Issues & Controversies under title. If you are not on campus, you will log in with your LOLA # for your username and your birthday formatted mmddyy for your password.